Come Write With Us Sept. 24!

The Morehead Writing Project Leadership Team is hosting a virtual writing marathon from 7-8:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24, and we hope all the writers in the Morehead Writing Project community will join us for the personal development experience.

The virtual writing marathon “Live From Kentucky” is the introduction to a Deeper Dive offered via the National Writing Project’s Write Now Teacher Studio. Our Deeper Dive is intended to introduce the writing marathon to educators interested in harnessing its power in and out of the classroom. You can choose to attend the marathon without the professional development option if you only want the opportunity to write and connect with writers in our region and beyond. Simply RSVP in the NWP Teacher Studio to get the details about the Sept. 24 event. The Writing Marathon Deeper Dive is an asynchronous professional development experience that will open up later this month.

The “Live From Kentucky” virtual writing marathon will take writers on a poetic tour of the Commonwealth of Kentucky that ranges from the very first U.S. poet laureate to the current poet laureate with a seasoning of Kentucky’s current poet laureate and teacher of the year.

Come write, connect with other writers, and escape for a time. This is not a professional development experience. This is a personal development experience that can include the personal refreshments and snacks of your choosing. Invite the other writers in your life to join.

This virtual writing marathon is intended to introduce the writing marathon experience to leaders and educators interested in learning more about the writing marathon to support the work of their site, school, or classroom. The leaders of this marathon will take those interested in developing their own writing marathon (in person or virtual) through an asynchronous Deeper Dive in the Write Now Teacher Studio offering resources and support.

Writing marathons are a tremendous leadership opportunity to develop continuity, community, or youth programs. Your site can also help #WriteAcrossAmerica achieve the dream of offering stops in all 50 states for NWP’s 50th birthday! Come experience a marathon to see what all the fuss is about.

RSVP for the Virtual Writing Marathon: Live From Kentucky (2022 #WriteAcrossAmerica reprise)