Leadership Opportunities

Morehead Writing Project teacher leaders! Come help Scholastic Coordinator Stacie May create an awesome Eastern Kentucky Scholastic Writing Contest experience for the young writers in our region.

We hope to assemble a team to support young writers through the process of writing, revising, and submitting their contest entries by holding virtual events, creating support materials, and creating a community for the writers who are not lucky enough to have a Morehead Writing Project teacher. Do you want to join our team? Please complete this form ASAP if you are interested in the following:

  • Work with students in your school to support their journey
  • Help Morehead WP plan events for teachers and/or students
  • Create/share support materials
  • Build/support virtual community
  • Score contest entries
  • Plan celebration and anthology

The Eastern Kentucky Writing Region of the Scholastic Writing Awards is now open. Show off the creativity in your classroom with the Scholastic Arts and Writing competition! The Morehead Writing Project has partnered with Scholastic to provide an authentic writing experience for Eastern Kentucky students in grades 7-12. Students simply create an original writing piece and submit it to us at https://www.artandwriting.org. Students may submit pieces in a wide variety of categories including: critical essay, dramatic script, flash fiction journalism, humor, novel writing personal essay, poetry, science fiction, and short story. Deadline for entries is Dec. 1, 2022. Once submissions have been judged, our region will host an awards ceremony for our winners! We hope to offer prizes and an anthology for our winners too. In addition, our winners will be eligible for national prizes and scholarships.

This a great opportunity for students to share their writing in a real world setting and celebrate their accomplishments as a community of writers. For more information go to https://www.artandwriting.org/ or contact Stacie May at stacie.may@rowan.kyschools.us.

Joining this work is a great opportunity for Morehead WP teacher leaders to reconnect with the work of our site and it is also a great entry point for educators who want to become involved in our work.