Online Summer Institute Offers Self-Paced Project-Based Learning

Research-backed PD designed to fit your schedule and your specific needs.

KDE, EILA, and SRCL approved professional development for teachers, teacher leaders, literacy coaches, supervisors of instruction, and administrators.

The National Writing Project has been delivering research-based comprehensive literacy professional development for decades and the Morehead Writing Project has been delivering online professional development (led by Kentucky educators with experience teaching online and hybrid classes) for almost a decade. Our summer institute program is designed to help educators develop a methods, resources, and tools to meet their unique classroom challenges and serve their individual students’ needs. Our professional development is never one-size-fits-all and instead supports educators’ journey and meets the individual needs of educators.

We know the coming school year will be filled with challenges and as a result, your classroom, your building, your district, will need educators ready to plan classes that can be flexible enough to meet this changing and challenging new world of education while simultaneously educating your diverse student population and supporting teacher’s mental and physical health. The Morehead Writing Project’s Online Summer Institute can help educators develop the skills and knowledge they need to meet this challenge in the following ways:

  • Designed as an online self-paced program, educators will gain first-hand experience that can later be applied to their specific teaching context
  • Project-based learning is embedded in the program which will help educators gain first-hand experience and insight into developing their own project-based units of instruction
  • The creation of individual online lesson plans is a requirement of the OSI which means educators will be coached through the process and gain access to both models and a library of resources that can be adapted for their classroom needs
  • Led by educators with experience teaching both online and hybrid classes, participants will be introduced to a wide range of tools and strategies that can be harnessed for their future teaching challenges
  • Comprehensive literacy instruction (reading, writing, and critical thinking) runs throughout the work of the OSI which will help educators at any level across all content areas embed these strategies in their classes

Learn more on the Morehead Writing Project web site or contact Site Director Dr. Deanna Mascle for details.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • IS THERE A CHARGE? Yes. The cost is $1,000 for 36 hours of professional development credit. Those interested in graduate credit can enroll in Eng 608 for three graduate credit hours (and Eng 609 for an additional three hours and a total of six) through Morehead State University’s graduate program. Students enrolled in the classes for graduate credit do not need to pay the PD fee.
  • WHO SHOULD ENROLL? Educators from kindergarten through college in any discipline, teacher leaders, literacy coaches, supervisors of instruction, and principals. We are approved to provide professional development by the Kentucky Department of Education. We are also a preferred provider for the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy grant and the FY20 Kentucky Comprehensive Literacy grant. In addition, the OSI has been approved for EILA credit.
  • WHAT IS THE TIME COMMITMENT? The OSI will take place during the Summer I (June 7 – July 2) session at Morehead State University. The Summer Institute will be offered asynchronously which means there is not a specific time and date that you need to work. There will be weekly expectations, but you can meet those on a schedule that best fits your life at the time. You should expect 8-10 hours of work each week (obviously double that if you elect to take six graduate hours). You will also have the opportunity to jumpstart the work.