As we sit in this interstitial space between one academic year and the next, this might be the perfect time to reconnect with your National Writing Project roots and dive into the wealth of resources provided by our community. There is still time to write with our community via the National Writing Project’s Write Across America. Even if life means you cannot attend a stop you can still check out the resources, write, and explore the writing generated by each stop. Consider ways that you can use Write Across America in your classroom.
You should also check out the National Writing Project’s Write Now Teacher Studio where you can find events, communities, and learning experiences (aka Deeper Dives) to inspire your teaching, your writing, and your humanity. This is a great way to stay connected with the National Writing Project community.
Last, but not least, you should spend some time exploring NWP resources found at Educator Innovator and Teach Write Now and check out the work generated by Morehead Writing Project’s Root Deep, Grow Tall work. NWP also recommends the Write Time collection of author interviews.
Some highlights identified by the 2023 Morehead WP Online Summer Institute include:
- Write Out
- American Creed
- Sharing Your Outside Writing
- Authentic Audience
- Bridging school and Community
- A lab that grows young writers
- Connected learning and play
- Beyond storytime
- Sharing student work
- Student choice
- Students to Write for Authentic Audiences
- Minecraft in Education
- Reflecting on Remix
- Teaching Grammar in Context: One Approach
- Voice and Composition
- Teaching Writing to Support Social & Emotional Learning
- Blackout Poetry: Defying the Blank Page
- #WhyIWrite
- StoriumEDU
- Conferencing and Literacy Desiring: Trusting Students as Writers
- Writing together at home and online
- Writing with project-based learning
- Teach Write Now
- Blackout Poetry
- Teaching Writing to Support Social Emotional learning
- Creating Generative Dialogue One Civil Conversation at a Time
- Bringing a new vibe to the classroom
- In defense of imaginary friends
- Why we must teach our students empathy
You can also check out some highlights and resources from the Philadephia Writing Project’s Summer Institute.